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Top 10 news stories of 2022

Top 10

What were on the minds and hearts of Michigan United Methodists in 2022? Review and remember the top 10 news stories from last year.

Content Editor

Disaffiliation. Roe v. Wade. Another postponement of General Conference. War in Ukraine. The return of in-person Annual Conference. Launch of the Global Methodist Church.

These topics were on the minds and hearts of many Michigan United Methodists in 2022. So, as we begin a new year, take a few minutes to review the top 10 most popular news stories published by the Michigan Conference last year.

1. Holy Conferencing in a Time of Unknowing

Jack Harnish highlighted the discernment process three Michigan United Methodist congregations were going through to help them discern whether they would remain United Methodist or choose to disaffiliate. This work involved deep listening and holy conversation.

2. Annual Conference 2022 In Person in Acme

Early in January, the Commission on The Annual Conference Session announced that the 2022 Michigan Annual Conference would be held in person in Acme, MI, from June 1-4. The theme, “Mourning to Dancing,” based on Psalm 30, was chosen with its focus on resiliency.

3. Annual Conference Takes Care of Business

Senior Content Editor Kay DeMoss reported on important business that delegates discussed and voted on at the 2022 Michigan Annual Conference, which included reducing the number of districts from nine to seven and approving the Readers to Leaders fundraising campaign.

4. United Methodists React to End of Roe v. Wade

The June 24 Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade elicited various responses from United Methodists throughout the connection. Several agencies and individuals spoke out, including Bishop David Bard of the Michigan Conference.

5. New Greater Detroit District Superintendent Announced

The Rev. Dr. Darryl Totty was announced as the new superintendent of the Greater Detroit District, as the Rev. Dr. Charles Boayue, Jr., resigned to become the senior pastor of Birmingham/Berkley: First United Methodist Church.

6. United Methodists under Siege in Ukraine Reach Out

In late February, Russia began its invasion of Ukraine, and the ten small United Methodist faith communities in Ukraine began reaching out to help their neighbors in need.

7. Bishops Urge the Relaunch of The United Methodist Church

The Council of Bishops concluded its April meeting with the passing of the gavel as Bishop Thomas J. Bickerton became president. While the bishops acknowledged the launch of the Global Methodist Church, they also discussed a launch of their own.

8. Debate Over Church Future Heats Up

Various groups within The United Methodist Church began making plans for their futures following long-simmering disputes over LGBTQ inclusion within the church.

9. Bishop Bard Responds to General Conference Postponement

“Do not be afraid,” was Bishop David Bard’s message as the Commission on General Conference announced another postponement of General Conference 2020. The next General Conference will be in 2024.

10. 8 Ways to Nurture Faith

United Methodist children’s ministry experts, including the Michigan Conference’s Rev. Kathy Pittenger, shared tips to help parents make the everyday more holy for the entire family.

Last Updated on January 17, 2023

The Michigan Conference