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Volunteers in Mission

VIM women work project


Contact Jody Pratt
Volunteers in Mission Coordinator
[email protected]

To register a VIM team and request insurance 

Please contact Tammy Kuntz,  North Central Jurisdiction Volunteer in Mission Director, 614-325-8741, [email protected]

UMVIM-NCJ Newsletters


*To qualify for VIM first-time scholarships, a team must have at minimum, one trained adult. It is highly recommended for VIM Mission Journeys. Michigan VIM trainer: Jody Pratt, [email protected]

First-time scholarship participants are eligible for NCJ trip insurance reimbursements.

Download the scholarship criteria.

Donations are welcome for first-time international missioners ($150) and clergy grants ($500).

Please send to:
MI Volunteers Scholarship/Grant Fund
Line #4413 MI VIM
Attn: Katrena Hunter
1161 Clark Rd., Suite 212
DeWitt, MI 48820

Information: Jody Pratt, MI VIM: [email protected]


Volunteers in Michigan serve under the North Central Jurisdiction Volunteers in Mission programs. VIM pairs mission opportunities that match your skills and mission needs with the right training to make your ministry a success.  VIM offers both short term local mission opportunities and international projects.

VIM works with both individuals and church groups, both experienced teams and those just getting started.  We launch teams that focus on everything from relationship building to construction, even medical and wellness.   VIM services all ages and all levels of experience. Your first call is to our Volunteer Coordinator who can guide you to the appropriate training and trips. This is critical to the safety and success of every team. VIM works with federal agencies and insurance providers to secure national and international healthcare and emergencies.


North Central Jurisdiction

The North Central Jurisdiction Volunteers in Mission offers DISCOVERY Journeys for Young Adults aged 18 to 35 and Intergenerational Peru aged 18-80 in a variety of locations around the world.

When:  December 30, 2025 to January 10, 2026

Where:  The Lima/Callao area in Peru. (New Year in Lima) Participants will experience project work in health care as well as light construction work The team will build relationships with our Peruvian partners and grow  leadership skills and cross-cultural relationships. 

Participants:  Maximum of 10. Three adults and two Peruvian young adults/translators will be accompanying the group.

Important dates:
8/14/24 – Application and deposit deadline.
9/24-12/24 - Two to three Zoom meetings as participants interact and plan. 
12/27/24 - Travel day. *Departures from the U.S. will vary by location.
12/28/24 - Lima site orientation.
12/29/24 - 1/7/25 - Mission Journey travel and experiences.
1/9/25 – Return to the U.S. 

Cost:  $1,500 for food/lodging, internal travel, insurance, project work (includes $100 deposit with application). Upon landing in Lima, all expenses are covered. **Airfare is extra. Rates will vary from $700 to $1000 depending on location.

Team leaders:  Steve Blake, Wisconsin Conference, and Jody Pratt, Michigan Conference.

Applications and Questions:  Jody Pratt, [email protected]

*Deadline: September 1, 2025 to submit the application and deposit or when the teams fill.

Looking for a Michigan Mission? 
Sites currently open for volunteers:

  • Cass Community (inner-city Detroit)
    Contact Sue Pethoud, [email protected]
  • Motown Mission (inner-city Detroit)
    Motown is reorganizing- please contact director email for information: Carl Gladstone, [email protected]  
  • GCCP/Newberry (rural-poverty Newberry)
    Contact Randy Hildebrant, [email protected]
  • East Winds UMC District Mission work
    East Winds Coordinator of Applied Missions, Rev Carol Blair Blouse [email protected]


Michigan Conference Early Response Team (ERT) Basic Training

If you would like to be a part of an UMCOR-certified Early Response Team (ERT), register for one of the scheduled training events below or send your name and contact information to the Michigan Conference Early Response Team Trainers, Bob Freysinger, [email protected], and Jody Pratt, [email protected]. They will gladly work with you to schedule an ERT training in your area. Please note that UMCOR requires at least 10 people, with a maximum of 20.
Detroit ERT Leader Training 2023 with After the Storm trainer Bob Freysinger.
Detroit ERT Leader Training 2023 with After the Storm trainer Bob Freysinger.

Volunteer in Mission Team Leader/Team Training Information

Volunteers looking to lead or work with a team for a domestic or international experience are encouraged to attend for certification. Michigan lnternational teams are eligible for scholarships for first time mission journey participants who complete the training. Trainer: Jody Pratt, [email protected]


Early Response Team (ERT) Certification

Saturday, May 10, 2025
9 am – 5 pm includes lunch and breaks, participant manual, and a t-shirt
Registration begins at 8:30 AM
Cornerstone Church, 1675 84th St. SE , Caledonia, MI 49316
Cost: $35 covers materials, lunch, shirt. Payment due at the door. (Make checks payable to MI Conf Disaster Response)
**Please register prior to training.
Instructor: Bob Freysinger, Senior MI ERT Trainer and Jody Pratt, VIM Coordinator

This training is for those who wish to be certified through UMCOR for the early response deployment.

Registration and questions contact Jody Pratt at [email protected] or 616.292.4908


Long-Term Recovery Disaster Response and Volunteer in Mission Training

Saturday, February 22, 2025
9 am – 4 pm includes lunch and breaks, participant manual, and a t-shirt
Registration begins at 8:30 AM
Central Michigan University (CMU) Wesley House, 1400 S Washington St, Mt Pleasant, MI 48858
Cost: $30 covers materials, lunch, shirt. Payment due at the door. (Make checks payable to MI Conf Disaster Response)
**Please register prior to training.
Instructor: Jody Pratt, VIM Coordinator

This training is for those who want to work long-term on disaster recovery teams (usually 1-2 weeks), domestic or international mission journeys, or partner with a certified Early Response team. Trainer Jody Pratt is incorporating the two training sessions for those who do not want to be certified but still wish to serve under the UMCOR umbrella. We will offer the certification training in Winter/Spring 2025 as churches volunteer to host. Also open to interested Michigan Conference volunteers.

Registration and questions contact Jody Pratt at [email protected] or 616.292.4908

DEADLINE: Febuary 17, 2025


Rice Packing at Annual Conference 2023

Packing meals forMidwest Distribution Center during 2023 Annual conference (Acme, MI).
5,000 meals were assembled in about 90 minutes by volunteers of all ages before the official start of the 2023 conference. 

Sturgis First UMC Adult Mission Trip 2024

Sturgis UMC continues as a "mission minded" congregation with the 2024 trip to Reelfoot Ministries in Obion, TN. Pastor Sue Babb has video presentation and it always glad to share! Contact: [email protected]

Mission at Middleville UMC

Middleville UMC took nineteen people on an intergenerational work experience. Team members ages 12- 89 worked on construction projects, Feed America food distribution, and GCCP center maintenance.

Middleville UMC took nineteen people on an intergenerational work experience. Team members ages 12- 89 worked on construction projects, Feed America food distribution, and GCCP center maintenance.

Learn about the historic 2021 Detroit flood

The 100 Year Flood documentary follows a West Ohio ERT team into Detroit to see the flood damage and its impact on aging infrastructure. A 4-session Bible study accompanies the documentary and asks, Will people change the ways they live to reduce the likelihood of events like this for their neighbors in Detroit and around the world? 

Last Updated on January 28, 2025

The Michigan Conference