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Missionary Itineration

When missionaries are scheduled to visit Michigan, an invitation to host will appear in MIconnect, emailed by the Michigan Conference every Wednesday. Email the Michigan Secretary of Global Ministries to arrange a visit; gmsecretary@michiganumc.org. Any church, including supporting congregations, may host our EngageMI mission personnel.

Coming 2025 Itinerations

Dexter Ceballos (Philippines) Tuesday 2/25 to Sunday 3/2 with 2/24 and 3/3 travel days. Likely itineration in the Grand Rapids Area.
Charles Mulemena (Belize) Saturday 4/12 to Friday 4/17 with 4/11 and 4/18 travel days.
Likely itineration in the mid-Michigan Area.

Special Sunday Offerings

Find full information here about the 6 General Offerings and 5 Conference Offerings.

Church-Wide Special Sundays

Michigan Conference Special Sundays

  • Golden Cross Sunday – May 11, 2025
  • Christian Education Sunday, August 17, 2025
  • Rural Life Sunday – September 14, 2025
  • Disability Awareness Sunday – October 19, 2025
  • No set date, offering optional – Africa University Day, RELC Sunday, VIM Awareness

Contact Information

Board Chair Dillon Burns

Secretary of Global Ministries
Audra Hudson Stone

Disaster Response
Kayla Roosa
Robert Miller

Volunteers in Mission
Jody Pratt

Liberia Partnership
Jon Reynolds

Haiti Partnership
Valerie Mossman-Celestin

EngageMI Questions

Mission Stories

Teamwork keeps Red Bird volunteers on the road

Hug a hurting world with Global Ministries

The Michigan Conference Board of Global Ministries (CBGM) helps churches share God’s love with their neighbors, right next door or half a world away. The board does this through storytelling, networking, training, and resourcing key areas of mission outreach. The board serves as an important bridge in what The United Methodist Church calls “The Connection.” This connection channels money, relationships, and hands-on activity “From everywhere, To everywhere.” Why do we connect? Because we can each make a difference, but we can do so much more together.

The Conference Board is the link between the denomination’s General Board of Global Ministries and local mission leaders and volunteers. At present, there are 350 missionaries in 60 countries under their care. GBGM is also home base for the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) and The Advance. UMCOR is the humanitarian relief, disaster recovery, and development agency of The United Methodist Church. The Advance is the UMC’s designated giving arm that ensures 100% of each gift reaches its intended mission or ministry. There are Advance projects on every continent except Antarctica.  

The Conference Board also oversees various task groups that engage Michigan United Methodists in a number of specific areas of mission outreach and support. The Haiti Ministry Partnership focuses on the Michigan Conference’s commitment to the people of Haiti. The Liberia Ministry Partnership encourages support of Michigan’s covenant relationship with the people of the Liberia Annual Conference. Michigan’s Disaster Response Ministry works year round to prepare, plan and equip teams to respond when disaster strikes. Michigan’s Volunteers in Mission operate under the umbrella of the North Central Jurisdiction UMVIM to train and pair skilled church teams and individuals with ministry opportunities in the state, country, and around the globe. Rural and small church concerns are part of the work of Town & Country Ministry.

“Breaking news” about the work of the Conference Board of Global Ministries can be read in MIconnect, the e-newsletter of The Michigan Conference. These mission features are archived on a Mission Stories page for easy reference.

Use the information on this page to join in the “To everywhere, From everywhere” efforts known as Global Ministries.


EngageMI is the mission engagement program for the Michigan Conference. EngageMI challenges congregations to comprehensive mission involvement with the goal to shift from transactional “ministry to” to relational “ministry with” vulnerable people and communities. The EngageMI program consists of three focus areas: Learn, Give, and Act. Congregations that meet the requirements in all three areas will be recognized as “EngageMI Congregations.”

These links will connect you with important resources:

General Board of Global Ministries

Global Ministries is the international mission, humanitarian relief and development organization of The United Methodist Church. It works with partners and churches in more than 115 countries. Global Ministries connects the Michigan Conference and its congregations to extend their mission outreach by sending missionaries, supporting evangelism and church revitalization, providing humanitarian relief led by the United Methodist Committee on Relief, and improving the health of communities and individuals around the world. Audra Hudson, the Michigan Conference Secretary of Global Ministries, serves as a liaison to GBGM.

These links will connect you with important resources:

Last Updated on December 19, 2024

The Michigan Conference