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Mission Stories

Central Bay District

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 If you need more information on church missions, please contact the Conference Board of Global Ministry Chair, Rev. Alex Plum, globalministry@michiganumc.org.

Michigan United Methodists are engaged in mission across the state and around the world.

EngageMI is an initiative that helps connect congregations with Ministry Partners for learning, acting, and giving. EngageMI provides Six Steps to guide churches seeking to make a difference in the lives of their neighbors. The stories on this page share the good news of how individuals and churches are stepping up with caring hearts and helping hands. The most recent stories are featured here. Additional accounts are accessed from the “See All Mission Ministry Stories” link. We DO have a story to tell and YOU can be part of that story!

Click on a story below to find out more.


PART C: National Partners — A retired nurse from Michigan, Barb Harlow travels the country in her fifth wheel and finds purpose in doing hands-on mission work as part of Methodist NOMADS. Continue Reading #RVersforChrist

Teamwork keeps Red Bird volunteers on the road

Last Updated on October 29, 2024

The Michigan Conference