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Part A: Ministry Shares

How we connect together in ministry

United Methodists in Michigan give more than $14 million each year to mission and ministry. These gifts are known as, Ministry Shares, because we share some of the gifts God has blessed us with. Ministry Shares are assigned to each church by the Conference as that church’s fair share of the combined ministry. Together we support the work of the United Methodist Church in mission and ministry. These gifts provide vital support to a wide range in ministry and mission in Michigan and around the world.

Ministry Shares are divided between two large groups of funds: Conference Ministry Shares and General Church Apportionments. These funds are further broken down into three funds under Conference Ministry Shares and seven funds under General Church Apportionments.

Conference Ministry Shares are the funds which 1) provide resources and services to local churches and their members and 2) operate the conference. They make up approximately 75% of the Conference Budget. The three funds included in Conference Ministry Shares are: Conference Benevolences, Clergy Support, and Administration. You can find detailed information about Conference Ministry Shares at: www.michiganumc.org/stewardship/

General Church Apportionments make up approximately 25% of the Conference Budget. These are seven funds that make up the General Church Apportionments: World Service Fund, Africa University Fund, Black College Fund, Interdenominational Cooperation Fund, Episcopal Fund, Ministerial Education Fund, and General Administration Fund. You can find detailed information on all of these funds at www.umcgiving.org.

To become an Engagemi Congregation, your local church must give 100% of its assigned Michigan Conference Ministry Shares. For more information about Conference Ministry Shares, visit the "Stewardship" page. 

Last Updated on August 26, 2024

The Michigan Conference