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Michigan covers General Conference 2019

Bishops Bard and Bickerton serve Communion during Day of Prayer on Saturday, Feb. 23, 2019


Our daily email updates and Facebook Live interviews reported GC 2019 through a Michigan lens. Here are your links to that special coverage.

Daily Email updates included blogs, news wrap-ups, and feature stories written by the Rev. John Harnish and produced by Kay DeMoss:

Facebook Live interviews were conducted by Michigan Conference Communication Director Mark Doyal at the close of every day’s business:

Just a note of explanation about the process. For those watching, it may have appeared, as delegates moved forward day by day, that the same actions were being repeated. While that looked to be the case, it was not. Here is the summary of what the 864 delegates were doing each day:

  • Day 1, February 24: delegates reviewed all 78 petitions and ranked them in priority order. This was not a vote to approve or disapprove any petition. It established the order in which the petitions would be considered.
  • Day 2, February 25: delegates took those petitions in the order they decided upon on Sunday. At this point the delegates were acting as a Legislative Committee. They voted on which petitions would receive action by the 2019 General Conference. On this day only the Traditional Plan was advanced for action on Tuesday.
  • Day 3, February 26: delegates now were no longer a Legislative Committee but were acting as the General Conference itself, amending, approving or not approving petitions given them by the Legislative Committee action of the previous day. 

Coverage of the 2019 General Conference and The Michigan Conference response to it will continue in our Ash Wednesday MIconnect releasing March 6, 2019.

Last Updated on February 28, 2019

The Michigan Conference