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It’s okay not to be okay

Rev. John Kasper dispels the myth that God won’t love us or be there for us until we get our lives in order and do all the right things.

Is The United Methodist Church really…?

Is the UMC really...?

This first of a series offers accurate responses to misperceptions or misinformation that are circulating about The United Methodist Church. This article focuses specifically on theology, pensions, and benefits.

Doug Wingeier, beacon for Jesus

Glenn Wagner expresses his gratitude for “persons who live as beacons for God’s love.” Meet a man who lives out Christ’s instructions in Matthew 5:16, Dr. Douglas Wingeier.

A theology of anger

Demonstrations based on grief and anger

The Rev. John Boley suggests that recognizing the grief behind the anger of protests happening across the U.S. may provide new understanding and the way forward for change.

Let’s talk about the Bible

Bible and coffee

Lent begins next week on Ash Wednesday. It’s a time to expand your thinking about God and yourself. Let’s Talk About the Bible podcasts help do just that.

Michigan delegates keep Bible in view

View of 2020 Michigan delegates

The view of a General or Jurisdictional delegate focuses largely on politics of voting. But God’s Word informs these decisions.

Bishop Bard offers ‘Room for Grace’

Corey Simon conversation with Bishop Bard

Want to learn more about the recently announced Bard-Jones Plan for Unity in The UMC? Listen to this 36-minute podcast, Room for Grace, hostd by Pastor Corey Simon.

Scholars gather for ‘Post Way Foward’ forum

Scholars gather

Thirty-six United Methodist scholars will be in Dallas August 7-8 to discuss next steps for the UMC. Watch at home or join others to become  informed and to shape the… Continue Reading Scholars gather for ‘Post Way Foward’ forum

What United Methodists really believe

Chart showing United Methodist theological beliefs

  A recent survey dug into theology-related views of United Methodist laypersons in the United States. Results were strikingly varied.

Holy Dancing

“If God is the dance, then … we are invited to dance in God’s name,” says the Rev. Bill Cotton.

The Michigan Conference