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Clergy invited to Come to the Well

Jesus made them well

“Come to the Well” is a morning gathering for renewal open to all Michigan Conference clergy. Join Bishop Bard and others online on January 12, 9:30-11:30 am.

A tender invitation from Jesus is found in Matthew 11. “Come to me, all you who are struggling hard and carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest.” (CEB).

Another image of deep care comes from John 13. “Then he [Jesus] poured water into a washbasin and began to wash the disciple’s feet, drying them with the towel he was wearing.” (CEB)           

Engaging in ordained and licensed ministry always has its challenges, even as we also acknowledge the deep joy that comes with serving Jesus Christ in this way. Yet, none of us have been challenged and stretched in the ways we have been in recent months as we seek to engage in ministry in the midst of a global pandemic.           

We need times of refreshment and renewal, times when we hear again the voice of Jesus inviting us to rest, times when the living water of God’s Spirit touches our weary souls as gently as Jesus touched the dry, dusty soles of the disciples’ feet.           

“Come to the Well” is a morning gathering for renewal open to all Michigan Conference clergy. On Tuesday, January 12, from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., clergy are invited to join this virtual gathering. The hope is that you might re-discover who you are as a beloved person of God and be refreshed by the living waters of God’s Spirit. 

In the coming weeks, a link to register for the event will be sent to all clergy. Then a link to join the event will follow. Our time together will be spent hearing from Bishop David Bard and listening as some colleagues share practices that bring them joy and rest. There will be time for personal reflection and prayer, all interwoven with music and art.

Bishop Bard notes, “I want to be clear that this event is purely invitational. This is not a ‘called clergy session’ but rather an opportunity for us to be together as we begin a new year.” He adds, “If this experience does not sound renewing to you, I encourage you to block this time on your calendar anyway and engage in a practice that you would find renewing.”

Last Updated on January 6, 2021

The Michigan Conference