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UMW transforming the transforming

Devon Herrell transforming the way to do Mission u

United Methodist Women Mission u events moved online in 2020 to help participants prepare for faithful living and transforming the world in the midst of a pandemic.

AC2021 registration now open

AC2021 will be virtual

The Michigan Annual Conference will be virtual again this year. AC2021 will be online June 3-6. All members of the Annual Conference may register between March 1 and April 15.

Save these dates for Virtual AC 2021

Bishop to preside virtually June 2021

The dates for the Virtual 2021 Michigan Annual Conference have been set for June 1-6, with Recognition, Commissioning, and Ordination to be celebrated on June 13. Mark your calendars now.

General Conference faces hurdles

General Conference postponed once or twice?

The General Conference Commission chair recently outlined the issues facing organizers of the United Methodist Church’s 2021 legislative assembly.

Virtual worship here for good

Virtual Worship set-up in Zimbabwe

A superintendent says COVID-19 offered “a Kairos moment for the church,” compelling changes in virtual engagement that were long overdue. The virus “brought the future to our doorstep,” he said.

Growing your church without walls

Child at laptop engaging with church without walls.

Ten months ago, each church in The Michigan Conference seemed to change overnight. Dirk Elliott, Director of Congregational Vibrancy, shares best practices for continuing multi-site ministry once COVID restrictions lift.

A look back at 2020

2020 flood

This month-by-month review of 2020 in The Michigan Conference reports many challenges of COVID-19. It also tells the story of how God’s people met those challenges with determination and grace.

Clergy invited to Come to the Well

Jesus made them well

“Come to the Well” is a morning gathering for renewal open to all Michigan Conference clergy. Join Bishop Bard and others online on January 12, 9:30-11:30 am.

More Advent counsel from Bishop Bard

Bishop Bard shares message on AAPI violence

Given the exponential rise of COVID cases in Michigan, Bishop David Bard urges local churches to refrain from in-person gatherings these next six weeks. “The good news of great joy… Continue Reading More Advent counsel from Bishop Bard

Bishop talks pandemic and politics

Bishop Bard considers strategies for COVID response

Bishop David Bard urges Michigan leaders and congregations to continue to be wise and loving in making decisions about pandemic safety measures.

The Michigan Conference