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Young adult discernment retreat set

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Young adults, ages 20 to 30, needing direction in their career or seeking clarity and God’s will in decision-making are invited to a discernment retreat on October 21-22.

Young Adult Initiatives Coordinator, Michigan Conference

“My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end.” – Thomas Merton

Are you a young adult who is unsure about the next steps in your career? Have you reached a crossroads and need help weighing the options and figuring out what to do? Are you seeking God’s will and need spiritual guidance as you wait and listen for the Holy Spirit?

Christianity has a practice of discernment that can support young adults who yearn to hear the Holy Spirit’s guidance, who are looking for direction in life and vocational changes, or who are seeking clarity and God’s will in matters of faithful living. Learn more by watching this video.

Young adults, ages 20 to 30, are invited to a discernment retreat on October 21-22. Participants will learn the ancient Christian form of seeking clarity so that individuals and groups can make a discovery that leads to future action and a hoped-for outcome that is best for them. The resource that will guide the retreat is The Way of Discernment by Stephen V. Doughty and Marjorie J. Thompson.

This retreat is centered on recent graduates, those in post-grad fellowship programs, those doing internships/student teaching, graduate school students, and those working full-time.

There is no cost to participants, as this is sponsored by the Michigan Conference.

The two-day retreat will take place at the St. Francis Retreat Center, DeWitt, MI, which is in the greater Lansing area. More details will be made available after registration. The retreat will begin on Friday, October 21 (evening arrival) and end on Saturday, October 22 (6 pm departure). All materials, bedding, and food will be provided.

Register by completing this online form (click the link).

Following the retreat, participants will be invited to join a monthly discernment cohort on Zoom to continue discernment and support one another (this is not required to attend the retreat). Young adults can also receive monthly one-on-one coaching or spiritual direction.

Questions about the retreat can be sent to Lisa Batten, Young Adult Initiatives Coordinator, at lbatten@michiganumc.org or 517-347-4030 x4078.

Last Updated on October 31, 2023

The Michigan Conference