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Create a culture of call for young people

Group of young adults

The Michigan Conference is hosting a Young Adult Discernment Lab on September 18 for those who want to support young people as they discern their call to vocation.

Your call is worth exploring

Paul Reissmann being ordained

Young adults looking at ministry options through the UMC should attend the February Exploration event in Florida. Conference grants to assist with paying for registration and travel are available.

Recognizing God’s voice on the road to wellness

Lay leaders are key to local church ministry, encouraging all members of the body of Christ to listen for God’s voice and join other believers on the road to wellness.

Young adult discernment retreat set

Woman walking down path

Young adults, ages 20 to 30, needing direction in their career or seeking clarity and God’s will in decision-making are invited to a discernment retreat on October 21-22.

Your plan or God’s plan?

Making a plan

As she graduates from college and prepares for the next phase of her journey, Madison Myers asks, “Do you believe there’s a plan for your life?”

Deaconess ‘walks with’ young people

Deaconess Amanda Mountain supervises these Motown volunteers

Deaconess Amanda Mountain discerned her gifts for ministry. Pentecost is a time when everyone can pause and do just that.

Apply now for EncounterMICall

students at Encountermicall retreat

EncounterMICall is a 32-week internship for young adults that includes experience in areas like ministry with children, music, community engagement, and communications. Apply now.

Winds of the Spirit flow at GC2019

Michigan delegates to the 2019 General Conference

“Come Holy Spirit!” Those were the power-filled words prayed often on February 24 as the business of the 2019 General Conference moved ahead. Michigan delegates and guests feel God’s presence.

Sweet hours of prayer start GC2019

Eurasian choir sings on February 23 Day of Prayer

Trust in the Holy Spirit was at the heart of the delegates’ experience at the start of the 2019 special session of the 2019 General Conference in St. Louis.

Wesley’s four sources

Scholar Philip Wingeier-Rayo analyzes Wesleyan heritage and cultural shifts.

The Michigan Conference