Tag: Leadership Development
The Six Whys of SAS

The Simplified Accountable Structure (SAS) model of church governance can refocus us on the church’s main task, and here are six reasons why.
Young adult discernment retreat set

Young adults, ages 20 to 30, needing direction in their career or seeking clarity and God’s will in decision-making are invited to a discernment retreat on October 21-22.
Join the Enneagram journey

Do you know which personality type you are? This fall, join a lay/pastor duo on an 8-week guided trip through the Enneagram on Zoom.
AC looks at Vision with new eyes

Bold & Effective Leaders. Vibrant Congregations. Ministry and Mission. These Christ-centered aspects of the Michigan Conference’s vision inspired conference members to embrace their story.
Bell and Scott proclaim resilience

The Rev. Dr. Ron Bell and Derrick Scott II were keynote speakers during the 2022 Michigan Annual Conference. Both proclaimed resilience as a gift from God for bold ministry in… Continue Reading Bell and Scott proclaim resilience
Gary Step joins UM Foundation staff

The United Methodist Foundation of Michigan brings the Rev. Gary Step to their staff as the new Senior Director of Leadership Development. He starts service July 1, 2022.
A life changed by PAPA’s Ministries

Two pastors from Michigan, Merlin and Kay Pratt, founded PAPA’s Ministries. One Jamaican man explains how it touched his life.
Profile in leadership

Meet Laura Witkowski, who began leadership as an Associate Director of Lay Leadership Development for The Michigan Conference on July 1, 2018. She is ready to partner with local church… Continue Reading Profile in leadership
Nominate a youth to THRIVE

THRIVE Youth Leadership Academy is getting ready to train young leaders this summer at Lake Louise.
She’s crossin’ the line

Bridget Nelson, Coordinator of Youth Ministry, shares plans and goals for months to come.