A Guest Blog by Bishop Laurie Haller describes things that help her cope with daily stress.
“As the four of us sat down for an extended lunch recently, one of my friends asked, ‘What is saving your life right now?’ We sighed, laughed, and began to reflect, all of us United Methodist clergywomen. We didn’t bother trying to unpack what the question meant because we instinctively knew.
“What is it that keeps you going during this uncertain time in our denomination, country, and world? How can we live fully when others are living in fear, refugee families are desperate to find safety, friends are reduced to poverty because of medical debt, and racial/ethnic tensions continue to simmer? What does Jesus mean in Matthew 16:25 when he says, ‘For those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it.’”
Last Updated on December 8, 2023