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Leadership in today’s cultural landscape

Paper cutouts of people

Rev. Dr. David Bell addresses how we can navigate the complexities of contemporary leadership and drive meaningful impact in our organizations and communities.

We stand with our immigrant neighbors

Members of a family originally from Iraq become U.S. citizens

Immigration Law & Justice Michigan is committed to providing free and low-cost legal services to immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers. As the new presidential administration begins, here are ways you… Continue Reading We stand with our immigrant neighbors

King’s dream feels heavy

MLK monument

Rev. Kevin Smalls reflects on why the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. feels heavy this year and why we cannot lose heart as we continue to fight hard to… Continue Reading King’s dream feels heavy

Living in alignment with our values

Pad with paper

In this season of gratitude, Rev. Dr. David Bell encourages us to practice stewardship by being mindful of the impact our choices have on future generations.

‘Death does not have the final word’

People hugging

In this op-ed, Audra Hudson Stone and Jacob Stone ask us to listen to the cries we hear following natural disasters like the recent hurricanes and do our part to… Continue Reading ‘Death does not have the final word’

Get ready to vote on November 5

Person voting in an election

Rev. Glenn M. Wagner shares from his faith and experience about the importance of voting and ways to prepare for these decisions.

The joy of voting for the first time

Image of Nelson Mandela

Reflecting on the end of apartheid in South Africa, Rev. Melanie Carey expresses gratitude for the right to vote and how voting is part of her faith witness as a… Continue Reading The joy of voting for the first time

Eat the fruit that makes for peace

Weeping willow next to water

Rev. Sondra Willobee discusses how the image of the tree of life in the book of Revelation gives insight into helping us navigate difficult situations in a heated election season.

Our churches as embassies of heaven

Poll workers at a polling site

Rev. Larry Wik explains why his church is a polling place for elections and what benefits he finds in serving as a poll worker.

To vote is to affirm our sacred worth

Putting absentee ballot in mail

In this op-ed, Rev. John Boley encourages us to vote, as this right directly results from our Christian faith, which affirms the sacred worth of every human being.

The Michigan Conference