Tag: Volunteers
NOMADS are doers of the word and the work

PART C – NATIONAL: NOMADS are Christians who travel with their RV all over the United States and provide volunteer labor for historically Methodist organizations. Continue Reading NOMADS are doers of the word and the work
Doers of the Word and the work

NOMADS are Christians who travel with their RV all over the United States and provide volunteer labor for historically Methodist organizations.
After the Storm teams up in flood cleanup in Detroit

STEP TWO: Veteran-led Team Rubicon amplifies flood relief efforts in Metro Detroit by assisting After the Storm, Michigan’s long-term disaster response and recovery nonprofit. Together, the volunteers did 47 home… Continue Reading After the Storm teams up in flood cleanup in Detroit
Help needed for flood clean-up

It’s time to put boots on the ground in Greater Detroit to help with the clean-up after flooding last weekend. Here are two opportunities for volunteers able to serve.
UM Men rebuilding together

A one-day rebuild is being sponsored by Michigan UM Men on Saturday, September 18. Men from across Michigan are invited to sign up.
A deaconess in the kitchen

5loaves2fishnmi operates out of Leland Community United Methodist Church under the direction of Michelle and Bill White. This deaconess and home missioner nourish the bodies and souls in their community.
Deacon engages volunteers in mission

Deacon Sue Pethoud serves as the Church and Community Relations Liaison for Cass Community Social Services in Detroit. Her biggest joy is coordinating thousands of volunteers who come to the… Continue Reading Deacon engages volunteers in mission
Michigan UMs help in flood response

Response to the May 19 flooding in the Great Lakes Bay Region is underway. United Methodists across Michigan are packing Cleaning Buckets, feeding volunteers, mucking-out basements, and more.
JFON-MI ‘still standing’ with neighbors

Justice For Our Neighbors-Kalamazoo is still standing with their clients, safely and effectively, during the threat of the health crisis.
Easter triumphs over virus and storms

COVID-19 is making life hard around the world. And spring storms don’t take a COVID-break. At present, UMCOR calls for money not volunteers to keep all safe in disasters’ wake.