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UMCOR on the scene throughout 2021

UMCOR in mid-Michigan

UMCOR answered many appeals for help in 2021. Here are key responses and a few of the major grants awarded to help alleviate suffering worldwide, including Michigan.

UMs respond after tornadoes

Tornadoes devastate Tennessee

Conferences and the United Methodist Committee on Relief are gearing up for relief work after tornadoes struck at least six states. Dan O’Malley, Michigan Conference, urges, “Stay put for now.”

Michigan to welcome 1,600 Afghans soon

Afghan refugees have started to arrive in Michigan. Churches are encouraged to become sponsors, offering a warm welcome and support. Here’s how to begin.

The ‘disaster that you cannot see’ in Detroit

Disaster recovery in Detroit

Two UMCOR-trained disaster case managers are now engaging with neighbors in Detroit. Funds are being sought for assistance for survivors of flooding in June 2021. Six months later, people suffer.

Advent appeal aids disaster recovery

Disaster recovery scene 2021

The Bishop’s Advent Appeal for 2021 aims to be “a surprise of hope for people near and far.” Gifts will support disaster recovery in Michigan, the United States, and countries… Continue Reading Advent appeal aids disaster recovery

UMCOR grant helps farmers in Africa

Farming in Liberia

Crop and livestock farmers in Liberia, DR Congo, Sierra Leone, and Zimbabwe will benefit from the Yambasu Agriculture Initiative, a $1.34 million grant from the United Methodist Committee on Relief.

Grants support Afghan arrivals

The United Methodist Committee on Relief has launched the Afghan Refugee Resettlement Reimbursement program, offering $1,000 grants to United Methodist churches partnering with Church World Service. 

$6K UMCOR grant assists survivors

UMCOR assisting in Michigan

Flood survivors living in Iosco and Arenac counties are now being helped by a $600,000 grant from the United Methodist Committee on Relief. Long-term recovery from the 2020 flood continues.

UMCOR approves $10 million in grants

UMCOR grant to Haiti

“A new age implies challenge and change,” said Roland Fernandes, chief executive of Global Ministries and UMCOR as the board approved grants to continue God’s work around the globe.

The Michigan Conference