Tag: History
A Michigan United Methodist reflects on 54 years

A teenager when The United Methodist Church was born, Kay DeMoss celebrates how God and humans have been at work together in Michigan for the past half century.
Thoughts on America this 4th of July

In this month’s Joyful Journey, Bishop David Bard talks about being a citizen of America. He says, “Even as we celebrate the United States … We need to see where… Continue Reading Thoughts on America this 4th of July
The joyful journey to annual conference

Bishop David Bard has not missed an annual conference session since 1984. He believes that conference can be a means of grace, whether the sessions are held in-person or online.
Serving faithfully for 200 years

Effective mission crosses boundaries. That’s a keynote of the new book, Methodist mission at 200. Readers are encouraged to carry Christ’s love into a third century.
Latinos separated by a wall of fear

National Spanish Heritage Month is a time to examine critical issues for Latinos. “Addressing racism requires more than resolutions and specialized minority ministries,” one retired pastor writes.
Loss and learning

What does it take to remain faithful during a season of loss? Bishop David Bard asserts that, as followers of Jesus, learning about self-giving love is important.
The old man in the family

The Hebrew people have a term for the old one in each family, Go-el. The Rev. Glenn Wagner talks about how family, church, and the Bible have prepared him for that… Continue Reading The old man in the family
Anybody here seen my old friends

The Rev. John Harnish couldn’t get this song out of his head as it sparked memories of friends who now belong to the history of Michigan Methodism.
Town hall addresses UMC and race

On July 1, panelists on a denominational town hall acknowledged The United Methodist Church has a tangled history on race.
History, hope and healing

The Rev. Benton Heisler looks to the Easter promise and prays for the healing of our sin-sick souls in the midst of the COVID-19 health and economic crises.