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Joining hands on Giving Tuesday

Two people joining hands

November 27, Giving Tuesday, persons from 11 countries made generous contributions of $624,868 to the United Methodist Advance.  Thank you.


General Board of Global Ministries

More than 2,450 gifts totaling $624,868.81 from 11 countries were received for missionary support, mission projects and disaster relief in the 2018 UMC Giving Tuesday campaign on November 27. Donations were given to 110 missionaries and 272 different projects.

The annual event benefits mission work supported in large part through the Advance, the designated mission giving channel of The United Methodist Church.

“The faithful giving of United Methodists to mission outreach is constantly inspiring” said the Rev. Russell Pierce, director of Global Ministries’ Mission Engagement Unit, which includes the Advance. “Giving Tuesday each year affirms United Methodist commitment to designated mission support.”

Thomas Kemper, General Secretary of the Board added, “Global Ministries and UMCOR deeply appreciate the generosity of the people of The United Methodist Church and our friends on Giving Tuesday. It continues to be a significant event both for mission education and mission support.”

Last Updated on December 3, 2018

The Michigan Conference