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Congregations named as leaders in generosity

Churches receive grant check

The United Methodist Foundation of Michigan recently honored four new Barrett Steward Leaders for their exemplary stewardship ministry and culture of generosity.

Empower generosity, make a difference

Handful of fresh strawberries

The United Methodist Foundation of Michigan embraces its mission of empowering individuals and faithful communities to make a meaningful difference in the world.

UM Foundation to offer stewardship grants

Bowl with cash in it

Does your congregation have a reputation for generosity in your community? Share your story by applying for a $2,500 steward leader grant by March 15.

Make your giving count the most

Mother and child in Giving Tuesday ad

On #GivingTuesday, November 28, focus on #BeUMC and give financially to mission and ministry projects supported by the Michigan Conference.

Michigan’s EngageMI gifts lead UMC

Speaker at conference

STEP THREE: In 2022 Michigan churches’ contributions through EngageMI increased by 38%. We led the denomination in giving to national and international advance projects. Continue Reading Michigan’s EngageMI gifts lead UMC

Four UM churches honored for generosity

Church receiving award, grant

The United Methodist Foundation of Michigan recently named four United Methodist churches as leaders in generosity and stewardship.

Conference celebrates EngageMI churches

Doing repairs

The Michigan Conference celebrates how many United Methodist congregations here in Michigan are leaders in mission through the EngageMI program.

Assembling the dream finance team

Cash, calculator

Rev. Dr. Sherry Parker-Lewis recommends creating a well-rounded “dream team” that brings together a variety of skills and gifts to steward your church’s finances.

UM Foundation seeks generous churches

Young woman helping elderly man

Does your congregation have a generous spirit, and could you use a financial boost to increase your mission to the community? Apply for a $2,500 steward leader grant by Mar.… Continue Reading UM Foundation seeks generous churches

Bring the gift of good financial health to your congregation

Offering plate with money in it

The winter session of the virtual Saving Grace: A Guide to Financial Well-Being course offered by the United Methodist Foundation of Michigan begins January 17.

The Michigan Conference