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Words of hope

In the Gathering Sermon at the 2016 Annual Conference, Bishop Deborah Lieder Kiesey finds hope in the midst of all our fears.

Michigan Area

Wow!  Look around.  See the faces of these, your brothers and sisters.

Some you know.  Some you have yet to get to know.  But what a Body of United Methodists – what a Body of Christ – we are!

Can you imagine what we could do – not for just the state of Michigan, but the world, if we left here fired up for the work of Christ?  What a power for change!
I admit I am a bit humbled to stand before you … but incredibly excited for the potential within this room!

Paraphrase Isaiah 42:1 …  “Here are my servants, my chosen, in whom my soul delights!”

Even though these words were spoken by Isaiah thousands of years ago, they could be said here today.

Click here for a pdf full transcript of Bishop Deb’s sermon, “Taken by the Hand.”

Or watch on vimeo here.

Last Updated on June 21, 2016

The Michigan Conference