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Help care for the children of God!

Board of Global Ministries one of agencies making cuts

United Methodists are fulfilling their call to do service and advocacy giving relief to some of the world’s 68 million  displaced people, including children and families at the US-Mexico border. 

Spring disaster response continues

Serving meal to disaster relief volunteers

United Methodist conferences and congregations are ramping up their response to the many disasters that occurred around the country this spring. UMCOR is supporting their efforts at clean-up and assistance.

Faith after the cyclone

Pastor in front of church in Mozambique

The United Methodist Church is helping people pick up the pieces of their lives after a cyclone killed hundreds and displaced thousands in southern Africa.

Faith rises above the water

Woman in food assistance pantry

With farms, homes, and businesses literally underwater, residents of Hamburg, Iowa are finding strength through the church and the community.

Hope on the border

The Rev. Jack Amick, UMCOR’s Director of Global Migration, talks about the human side of migration at the U.S.-Mexico Border. He has experienced both great sadness as well as hope.

Early Reponse Team trainings set

woman fixes tarp to a roof

Two Early Response Team training sessions have been organized for this spring. Be ready to step in when disaster strikes.

UMCOR a neighbor to all

University students with Cleaning Buckets

From disaster relief to crop security, the United Methodist Committee on Relief provides well-implemented and faith-based assistance to all God’s people.

Flood victims savor 'God moments'

Women in flooded driveway

Every square inch of Nebraska may be flooded before the waters recede, says Great Plains Disaster Response Coordinator. They are one of  7 Midwest states hit by a “bomb cyclone.”

‘We thank God we are alive’

Family in a box floating on flood waters

United Methodists gathered at an ecumenical service to support cyclone survivors as relief efforts ramped up in the hardest-hit areas of Mozambique. 

UMCOR mobilizes from Africa to Iowa

As UMCOR Sunday approaches, UMCOR is working on the scene of flooding in mid-America and a cyclone in southern Africa.

The Michigan Conference