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A holy season full of surprises

Greetings of the season from Bishop Bard

In this year’s Advent message, Bishop David Bard notes that some surprises are bad. But he adds we can also expect to be surprised by God’s joy, hope, and love… Continue Reading A holy season full of surprises

Peace with Justice Offering May 30

Dove of Peace

Create pathways for peacemaking, peacekeeping and peacebuilding in Michigan through support of the Peace with Justice Offering on May 30, 2021.

God’s dream for no gun violence

No gun in the peaceable kingdom

The prophet Isaiah celebrates God’s vision for peace. The Rev. Glenn Wagner contrasts that with the “seemingly endless cycle of gun violence in the U.S. “

Music shares Jesus’ healing love

Sacred music touches the soul

A hospice chaplain finds, “Music can awaken the deepest level of emotional response in positive ways.” It’s a tool that shares Jesus’ love.

Missionaries promote peace in Korea

Missionary Adam Shaw in Korea

Adam Shaw has worked for two years as a United Methodist missionary in Korea. “It seems like many issues divide the U.S., but North Korea is not one of them,”… Continue Reading Missionaries promote peace in Korea

Prayer provides spiritual connection

Prayer time at home

Since late March, members of Grosse Pointe UMC have spent 8 am to 8 pm each Saturday in prayer. Said one, “I feel a sense of peace.”

Watch for God to show up

A deer reminds Elizabeth of God

After seeing a deer in her backyard and watching it for five minutes or so, Pastor Elizabeth Hurd found herself thinking about the ways that God breaks into our lives.

Keep the embers burning

Faith and friendship burning around campfire

Does the chaos of these COVID-days have a cooling impact on your faith? Rev. LuAnn Rourke, Heritage District Superintendent, encourages you to keep the embers burning through prayer.

Join in prayer for Korean peace

Korean flags

2020 marks the 70th anniversary of the beginning of the Korean War. A young immigrant expresses her earnest hope that there will no longer be a border between the north… Continue Reading Join in prayer for Korean peace

Learn to be a grassroots advocate

Advocate for Justice

Learn how to be an effective advocate for peace and justice in this two-hour online workshops scheduled for Wednesday, May 27 from 6-8 pm. 

The Michigan Conference