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View Connectional Conversation video

Bishop Bard speaks from his office in Lansing

Bishop David Bard has almost completed his circuit of Connectional Conversation. This video provides an opportunity to hear his opening presentation.

WCA plans next steps

Closing Communion at Wesley Covenant Association Assembly Nov. 3, 2018

The Wesley Covenant Association’s 2,500 members held their first global legislative assembly on November 2, 2018 and passed four resolutions.

One Church ‘largely constitutional’

Bishop Cynthia Fierro Harvey before Judicial Council

A Judicial Council review of possible plans for the future direction of The UMC found One Church Plan largely constitutional.

Charting a Way Forward

Bishop David Bard at St. Ignace UMC

Conversations continue around the state as Bishop Bard and Michigan delegates engage groups about A Way Forward for The UMC.

GC2019 faces growing number of petitions

More proposals are reaching the Committee on General Conference adding to three plans from the Commission on A Way Forward.

Uniting Methodists seek ‘Room for All’

The Uniting Methodists went beyond talking up the One Church Plan to discussing strategy for getting it passed. 

The Michigan Conference