Tag: Mark Doyal
Michigan wins 10 communications awards
The Michigan Conference’s communications team recently attended the United Methodist Association of Communicators’ annual meeting, where they were honored with 10 awards for excellence in communications.
Psalms alive at AC 2021
From June 3 to June 6, 2021, the Virtual Michigan Annual Conference traveled through a strange land toward a new day singing songs of joy, peace, justice, courage, and hope.
A virtual conference ‘takes a village’
As Michigan United Methodists experience their second Virtual Michigan Annual Conference, Executive Producer Mark Doyal comments, “I believe there is real potential to evolve into a new era of conferencing.”
Webinars continue with more resources
Michigan Conference staff, with the assistance of Michigan Conference Communication, are producing webinars with practical information on how to be in ministry during the COVID-19 era.
Michigan Communications recognized
UMAC recognized Michigan Conference Communications for their excellence in Digital Publications, Writing, and Publicity and Advertising at their virtual gala on May 21, 2020.
Tech questions answered in webinar
Tech is not your thing but you suddenly are tasked with producing, editing, and promoting videos to engage your congregation? Find tips and tools in this new webinar.
Celebrating the power in God's people
Bold and Effective Leaders was the theme of the 2019 Michigan Annual Conference. Awards, recognitions, and generous thanks were given to people and congregations that have wisdom, heart and courage.
Profile in leadership
Meet Mark Doyal, The Michigan Conference Director of Communication.
Storytellers turn on the Light
The United Methodist Association of Communicators recognizes excellence in storytelling.