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‘You rode with Jesus’

City of Jerusalem

Retired pastor John E. Harnish reflects on what it means to ride with Jesus again through the painful yet glorious moments of Holy Week and Easter.

Mighty wind and quiet stream

Stream in winter

Reflecting on the recent Asbury revival, Bishop David Alan Bard invites us this Lent to look for spiritual transformation in both dramatic experiences and everyday disciplines.

Your happy place and sacred space

Empire sand dunes on Lake Michigan

Retired pastor Jack Harnish has felt what research has proven, that spending time outdoors is good for the body and soul.

Holy conferencing in a time of unknowing

Church meeting

Through deep listening and holy conversation, three Michigan United Methodist congregations have been meeting to discern whether they will remain United Methodist or choose to disaffiliate.

Living with hope in this odd space

Michigan delegates to NCJ pray together

In this op-ed, retired pastor Jack Harnish believes last week’s North Central Jurisdictional Conference modeled what he believes The United Methodist Church is to become.

United Methodists head to the polls

Vote here sign

United Methodists should review what General Conference has said in the Book of Resolutions as they reflect on the issues facing our state and nation and the candidates who run… Continue Reading United Methodists head to the polls

Pastor appreciation from a preacher in the pew

Woman preaching from pulpit

Retired pastor Jack Harnish reflects on what it means to be a preacher in the pew during Pastor Appreciation Month.

Who needs a queen?

Royal items

Jack Harnish reflects on the recent passing of Queen Elizabeth II and offers some wonderings about why her death touches us so deeply.

‘Listen to your life’

Frederick Buechner

Frederick Buechner’s writings nurtured a whole generation of preachers and writers, including many United Methodists, by his creative and careful use of words in communicating the precious gifts of life.

‘Our brother and our friend’

Brother Banza Mukalay preaching

On April 4, Patrick Lyoya was killed by a Grand Rapids Police officer. His pastor, Banza Mukalay of Restoration Community UMC in Wyoming, MI, remembers a brother and a friend.

The Michigan Conference