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Vision expands for NOAH at Detroit Central UMC

Staff packing sack lunches for homeless population

PART B: Michigan Projects — Thanks to a Reflective Leadership Grant, Amy Brown has greater clarity on Christ’s calling and a daring vision for the future possibilities of service to Detroit’s unhoused population. Continue Reading Vision expands for NOAH at Detroit Central UMC

Vision expands for Noah at Central

Staff packing sack lunches for homeless population

Thanks to a Reflective Leadership Grant, Amy Brown has greater clarity on Christ’s calling and a daring vision for the future possibilities of service to Detroit’s unhoused population.

Providing neighbors fresh food

Fresh food

US-2 Marie Rittenberry arrived in Grand Rapids, MI in August 2021. She is on staff at Fresh Market, a ministry of United Methodist Community House meeting food needs of neighbors.

Meet the US-2 in Kalamazoo

US-2 cohort for 2021-2023 serving in Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, and Detroit

Cenaya Ward-Johns serves as the Resident Director of the Wesley International Living Community at Kalamazoo Wesley. She arrived on the Western Michigan University campus in August of 2021.

US-2 listens like a shepherd

US-2 speaks of shepherds

US-2 Shiree Fetterly moved from Michigan to Florida to serve God’s people. She says, “God is shaping me, getting me ready for the next step, and this adventure is such… Continue Reading US-2 listens like a shepherd

US-2s serve a city they now love

City of Detroit welcomes three young missionaries

The second of two features introducing six Global Mission Fellows in Michigan ministry settings. Meet the city of Detroit’s US-2s.

US-2s share love in Kalamazoo

US 2 Emily Burns on the grow in Kalamazoo

The first of two features introducing six Global Mission Fellows working in Michigan ministry settings. Meet the US-2s of Kalamazoo.

There’s a new missionary in town

Young adult missionary Lauren Norton

Lauren Norton grew up in Georgia and felt tugged by God as a college student. She has moved to Detroit for two years of service as a Global Mission Fellow.

Young missionary dies in Zimbabwe

Young Missionary Twanda Chandiwana dies in Zimbabwe

Tawanda Chandiwana, one of three Global Mission Fellows detained in the Philippines in the summer of 2018, dies in Zimbabwe. He is remembered as a man of strong faith.

Global Mission Fellows have arrived

Yeo, Nathan and Samantha are now in ministry in Detroit. Kathryn is serving in Kalamazoo. These four young adult missionaries continue a strong US-2 tradition in the Michigan Area. 

The Michigan Conference