Tag: Disaster
Pray and give for fire response

Prayers are needed for residents and responders as the threat of high winds is expected to fan fire raging at 11 locations in California.
UMCOR demonstrates best practices

You can bet, when you hear something’s brewing on the Weather Channel, the United Methodist Committee on Relief is already starting to prepare the best response for what lies ahead.
Michigan volunteers nail it for Jesus

This is the first in a series, “Volunteer with a Michigan Mission,” shared by the Michigan Conference Volunteer in Mission Coordinator, Jody Pratt.
Faith after the cyclone

The United Methodist Church is helping people pick up the pieces of their lives after a cyclone killed hundreds and displaced thousands in southern Africa.
Flood victims savor 'God moments'

Every square inch of Nebraska may be flooded before the waters recede, says Great Plains Disaster Response Coordinator. They are one of 7 Midwest states hit by a “bomb cyclone.”
UMCOR needs you on March 31

UMCOR Sunday, a church-wide special offering that pays the administrative costs of UMCOR, is coming in four weeks. Your gifts support the 100% promise.
Get ready for UMCOR Sunday

March 31, 2019 is UMCOR Sunday, an opportunity to give generously to cover the operational and administrative costs of love in action during time of crisis.
Pastor escapes the flames

After this pastor’s church provided shelter to those fleeing the fire, she had to evacuate herself.
Donate this, not that

When disaster strikes be ready to respond in ways that help rather than in ways that hurt.
Partnering with God against the flood

Louisiana United Methodists put shoulders to work and offer shoulders to cry on as neighbors recover from flooding.