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She makes ‘big dreams look easy’

Faith Fowler chats with a Tiny Home neighbor.

A video produced by United Methodist Communications shares the dreams of a creative Architect for God, the Rev. Faith Fowler, pastor of Cass Community UMC in Detroit.

ABC features Detroit Tiny Homes

Six more tiny homes being built in Detroit

On July 31 ABC News was in Detroit taking a look at “Housing Crisis Solutions.” Meet Robert Prince, a new householder in one of the Tiny Homes available through Cass… Continue Reading ABC features Detroit Tiny Homes

Latha Ravi

To: Cass Community UMC. This quarter-time Associate Pastor appointment began July 1, 2019.

Board of Justice confers recognition

Faith Fowler with ATT volunteers

The Michigan Conference Board of Justice will recognize three organizations for their ministries of Peace with Justice at AC 2019.

About ‘wanting to be a deacon’

Woman being ordained a deacon in the United Methodist Church

The Rev. Sue Pethoud, a Michigan Conference deacon serving the Detroit Cass Community, shares in a blog posted by GCOSROW.

Mission Intern applications now open

Summer Mission Interns serving at Cass Community Social Services.

The Mission Intern Program of The Michigan Conference offers young adults an eight-week opportunity to be in ministry with children.

Celebrating one who ‘died well’

Book with daisies

Rev. John Harnish reviews the book, “Dying Well: the Resurrected Life of Jeanie Wylie-Kellermann, published by Cass Community Publishing House.

Tiny home update from Detroit

Cass Tiny Homes

Faith Fowler shared the vision at the 2016 Michigan Annual Conference. Today seven residents are in their tiny new homes.

Earthkeeper training coming to Detroit

Do you feel called to care for God’s creation? Here’s an opportunity to learn to take bold action.

Book celebrates small church turnaround

Missouri Lay Minister offers insight into how small churches can make big differences.

The Michigan Conference