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Mission Intern applications now open

Summer Mission Interns serving at Cass Community Social Services.

The Mission Intern Program of The Michigan Conference offers young adults an eight-week opportunity to be in ministry with children.

When it comes to opportunities for young adults to deepen their faith and work alongside other faith-driven people, the Michigan Conference has some options. The Mission Intern Program is one of them.

The Mission Intern Program offers young adults, age 18-22, the opportunity to serve for eight weeks over the summer in United Methodist congregations and related non-profits across the state of Michigan. Interns serving with congregations will lead summer children’s programs providing academic enrichment and faith-based activities.

The overall goals of the Mission Intern Program are to develop young adult leaders, assist United Methodist congregations to be in ministry with their local communities, and answer the challenge of the Bishops’ Initiative on Children and Poverty.

Young adults participating in the Mission Intern Program also have the opportunity to experience serving in a community that may be different than their home setting.

The 2019 congregational sites include: West Branch UMC, Port Huron: First UMC, Utica UMC, Detroit: Metropolitan UMC, Detroit: Centro Familiar Cristiano, and Kalamazoo: First UMC.

Interns can also apply to serve at Cass Community Social Services and God’s Country Cooperative Parish. At Cass Community Social Services in Detroit, interns will work at the innovative non-profit, leading volunteer teams and organizing field trips for children living in residences at Cass. Interns serving with God’s Country Cooperative Parish in Newberry will coordinate volunteer teams providing home repair for local residents and lead a two-week swim class for area children.

If you, or a young adult you may know, is interested in participating in the Mission Intern Program, the application can be found here: https://michiganumc.org/resources/young-adult/

The deadline for application is May 1, 2019. If you have any questions, please direct them to the Michigan Conference’s Young Adult Initiatives Coordinator, Lisa Batten at [email protected].

Mission Interns being blessed during training at Lake Louise
Blessed to be a blessing. A class of young adults finishes up training at Lake Louise. “Take my life and left it be, consecrated, Lord, to thee.” Since 1999 the Mission Intern Program has helped Michigan’s young people grow in leadership and faith. 

Last Updated on October 23, 2023

The Michigan Conference