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US-2s lead God-focused lives

US-2 Kayla Flannery is now assigned for service at Motown Mission in Detroit.

Kayla Flannery is one of three Global Mission Fellows of the General Board of Global Ministries serving in the Detroit Conference. Others are Chelsea Williams and Isaac Dunn, both at NOAH Project.

When she was commissioned in July of 2015, Kayla was assigned to the Northwest Detroit Flood Recovery Project. The project wrapped up its work in December of 2016 and Motown Mission is Kayla’s new worksite.

Motown Mission is an urban economic disaster recovery ministry based in Detroit Metropolitan United Methodist Church. Motown engages volunteers from all over the country with work on various service projects throughout the city. The Rev. Sarah Alexander serves as the Director of Motown Mission.

The Global Mission Fellows program takes young adults ages 20-30 out of their home environments and places them in new contexts for mission experience and service. Global Mission Fellows become parts of their new local communities. They connect the church in mission across cultural and geographical boundaries. They grow in personal and social holiness and become strong young leaders working to build just communities in a peaceful world.

Applications are open for the next group of young people wishing to be a voice in this ever changing world. Detroit is just one of many settings. There are placement opportunities in areas like advocating for human rights, training others, researching, childhood development and education, agriculture and agronomy, and empowering young adults.  Some of these opportunities involve the use of major languages, like Spanish, Portuguese and French. 

Click here for FAQs. The submission deadline for the 2017 International Track is February 15, 2017. Submission for the US-2 Track is March 31, 2017.  



Last Updated on January 11, 2023

The Michigan Conference