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‘Gold Star’ pantry rebuilds and finds support

Food pantry volunteers packing boxes

Thanks to a grant made possible by Human Relations Day offerings, Southfield: Hope UMC’s clothing closet and food pantry ministry enhanced what they could offer clients.

‘Be open for miracles to happen’

ESL teacher and students

Through Christlike acts of love, Leland Community UMC is building relationships with their refugee and migrant neighbors and bridging the gap between cultures.

Writing love letters on hearts of God’s people

family in Liberia

PART E–MISSION PERSONNEL: “Every encounter I have with another person, is an opportunity for Christ to work through me,” says Helen Roberts-Evans, former EngageMI ministry partner in Liberia, now retired. Continue Reading Writing love letters on hearts of God’s people

Michigan joins the pursuit of Abundant Health

Group of people holding pinwheels

For the past eight years, The United Methodist Church has promoted and prioritized health and wholeness on a global scale. The Abundant Health Initiative of the General Board of Global… Continue Reading Michigan joins the pursuit of Abundant Health

Agriculture Mission in Zambia is two-way street

Paul Webster introducing Temba Nkomozepi

PART E: United Methodist missionary Temba Nkomozepi recently sat down with Rev. Alex Plum to talk about the work at Mujila Falls in Zambia and how he views mission as bidirectional. Continue Reading Agriculture Mission in Zambia is two-way street

Cardiac care now at the heart of HAPI’s vision

Patient receiving a wellness check

STEP FOUR: Valerie Mossman-Celestin just returned from her first trip to Haiti in five years. It was a time to reconnect with the community, reassure the staff, and recreate the ministry. Continue Reading Cardiac care now at the heart of HAPI’s vision

Mission is a two-way street

Paul Webster introducing Temba Nkomozepi

United Methodist missionary Temba Nkomozepi recently sat down with Rev. Alex Plum to talk about the work at Mujila Falls in Zambia and how he views mission as bidirectional.

Leaders explain mission is a two-way street

Paul Webster introducing Temba Nkomozepi

STEP 5: United Methodist missionary Temba Nkomozepi recently sat down with Rev. Alex Plum to talk about the work at Mujila Falls in Zambia and how he views mission as bidirectional. Continue Reading Leaders explain mission is a two-way street

Missionaries bring the world to Michigan

People holding cabbages

STEP FIVE: The Michigan Conference announces new ministry partners in Mozambique and Switzerland: Blair Moses Kamanga and Joy Eva Bohol. They serve as missionaries of The United Methodist Church. Continue Reading Missionaries bring the world to Michigan

At the heart of HAPI’s vision in Haiti

Patient receiving a wellness check

Valerie Mossman-Celestin just returned from her first trip to Haiti in five years. It was a time to reconnect with the community, reassure the staff, and recreate the ministry.

The Michigan Conference