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Bishop says, ‘It’s about YOUR church’

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Gary E. Mueller, bishop of the Arkansas  Annual Conference, talks about how Jesus needs each and every faithful local congregation more than he needs a denomination.


Arkansas Conference, United Methodist Church

I am ready to admit something I’ve been in denial about for a long time. Even though I’ve invested a great deal of blood, sweat and tears trying, I simply cannot fix what’s broken in the United Methodist Church. I can’t fix the polarization that now imprisons us. I can’t fix the outcome of this May’s General Conference. And I can’t fix the uncertainty we face as a church.

Even more significantly, the Holy Spirit has helped me realize I don’t have to fix the church. It belongs to Jesus, and he’s got it covered. This doesn’t mean I’m stepping back, shrugging my shoulders and saying, “It’s going to be what it’s going to be.” Rather, I will be focusing on what Jesus is calling every United Methodist congregation in Arkansas to do – becoming the most Jesus loving, disciple-making and sharing Jesus’ love church you can be.

I love the United Methodist Church and the way of being Christian it shares. But ultimately, local congregations matter more than denominations – even our beloved United Methodist denomination. People need your local church, not a denomination. Your community needs your local church, not a denomination. And most importantly, Jesus needs your local church, not a denomination.

This means the single most pressing task is enabling your church that has a unique location, is filled with a unique group of people and possesses a unique history to become the church Jesus wants you to be – a vital congregation that makes disciples of Jesus Christ, who make disciples equipped and sent to transform lives, communities and the world.

Embrace your identity. Your church is literally the Body of Christ. So act like it!


Last Updated on November 9, 2023

The Michigan Conference