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Holy Week online resources here

Holy Week Lily and Thorns

Lent is drawing to a climax. Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter will soon be upon us. Here is information that will help with your Holy Week engagement with parishioners.

The bishop and staff of The Michigan Conference are working to provide assistance to congregations entering into a non-traditional Holy Week. 

Two webinars have been aired on Holy Week themes. One may be viewed below. Click here for the second video, Holy Week Resources for Children and Youth. These conversations are full of ideas for churches to use to celebrate Holy Week online. Click here to access additional material: Virtual Services for Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter. There are also hymn suggestions and an Agape Meal program. 

An online worship service is also being prepared, featuring a sermon by Bishop David Bard. It is designed for viewing on Easter Sunday, April 12, or may be used as “pulpit supply” on the Sunday after Easter, April 19. A link to the video and pdf of this service will be emailed to all pastors of local churches in Michigan next week. The service will broadcast on Facebook Easter morning. Stay tuned.

Finally, churches around the state have supplied names, in response to an appeal by Bishop Bard. The bishop is preparing a special message that will be mailed to the home address of United Methodists who are isolated and sheltering at home with no internet. Thanks to those who helped spread this word of hope at Easter. 

In his recent blog, Bishop David Bard notes, “Maybe Easter is about both fear and great joy … There are things in the world to be afraid of, but fear should never be our default or defining emotion and experience of the world, even now, even with the coronavirus wreaking havoc on our lives.” Something to keep in mind in the challenge of creating a meaningful Holy Week experience this year.

Last Updated on October 27, 2023

The Michigan Conference