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Get ready for UMCOR Sunday

Volunteers clearing debris from Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico

March 31, 2019 is UMCOR Sunday, an opportunity to give generously to cover the operational and administrative costs of love in action during time of crisis. 

For over 75 years, UMCOR has helped people in crisis all over the world. On UMCOR Sunday, we gather to celebrate and give generously to cover the relief agency’s annual operational and administrative costs so that UMCOR may apply 100% of other donations directly to relief efforts. This is an incredible Sunday that reminds us of the importance of compassion and love in action.

Here are five ways you might consider celebrating the mission of UMCOR this year:

  1. RUN A PHOTO CONTEST. Ask your congregation, staff members and leaders for photos of acts of service. Have them share the photos on Facebook or send them to you via email. Repost on Facebook or your other social channels with the captions “We Are UMCOR.” This helps your congregation connect to the larger relief efforts happening with UMCOR.
  2. HOST A “WE ARE UMCOR NIGHT.” A week or two before UMCOR Sunday, invite people to stay after service and learn more about UMCOR. Make it fun by providing snacks and drinks. Before the event, take a moment to look at the most recent news stories on UMCOR’s website, then share about the relief efforts happening right now throughout the world. Take questions from attendees and provide answers.
  3. INVITE A SPECIAL SPEAKER. Invite someone who has benefited from an UMCOR effort to share his or her story in person, via SKYPE or in a pre-recorded interview. Or ask someone who works with UMCOR to share their story. Connect the dots from giving to love in action.
  4. ASK SMALL GROUPS TO CREATE RELIEF KITS. UMCOR lists seven different relief kits they are always in need of on their website (umcor.org). Ask small groups to rally to create relief kits for bedding, birthing, health, layette, school and sewing kits and cleaning buckets. These relief supply kits help care for people all over the world and help bring the mission of UMCOR home.
  5. HAVE A PRAYER CHALLENGE FOR UMCOR. Issue a prayer challenge to pray daily during the month before UMCOR Sunday. Use the Lenten Devotional to focus on the different areas of UMCOR’s work. Pray for the workers, the recipients and all facets of this incredible ministry. 

Click here for a pdf of an infographic listing these five ideas. For more resources to help you celebrate UMCOR, click here.

Last Updated on November 2, 2023

The Michigan Conference