Tag: Disaster
Long-Term Recovery Disaster Response and Volunteer in Mission Training
Saturday, February 22, 2025 9 am – 4 pm includes lunch and breaks, participant manual, and a t-shirt Registration begins at 8:30 AM Central Michigan University (CMU) Wesley House, 1400… Continue Reading Long-Term Recovery Disaster Response and Volunteer in Mission Training
Early Response Team (ERT) Certification
This training is for those who wish to be certified through UMCOR for the early response deployment. Saturday, May 10, 2025 9 am – 5 pm includes lunch and breaks,… Continue Reading Early Response Team (ERT) Certification
Basic Early Response Training (ERT)
Train to be a volunteer member of an Early Response Team so you can serve in the days following a disaster. Visit the Disaster Repsonse Page for more information. To… Continue Reading Basic Early Response Training (ERT)
Be ready to help when disasters strike

“We are not called to do it alone.” Carol Blair Bouse encourages local churches to network with others when disasters come to their communities.
Bishop appeals for disaster funds

Record rainfall the weekend of June 26-27 has left many in Michigan recovering from flooding of homes and churches. Bishop Bard appeals for gifts to the Michigan Conference Disaster Response… Continue Reading Bishop appeals for disaster funds
Chainsaws an unlikely mission tool

Across the United Methodist connection, volunteers, with chainsaws at the ready, are cleaning things up and acting as a caring presence for Christ.
UMCOR Sunday is coming March 14, 2021

UMCOR Sunday is March 14. Formerly One Great Hour of Sharing, this special offering helps pay administrative costs of UMCOR so every dollar YOU give can offer a person hope.
Cash needed for wildfire buckets

Gifts to the United Methodist Committee on Relief’s U.S. Disaster Response and Recovery Advance #901670 support efforts to aid homeowners in the path of wildfire blazing in California and Oregon.
Flood recovery moves forward

Case Managers will be trained by UMCOR in July to assist in the Long Term Recovery Group plans for helping individuals and families achieve a new normal from last month’s… Continue Reading Flood recovery moves forward
4 weeks downstream, still suffering

Many, many more weeks of relief and recovery are ahead in mid-Michigan after May 19th flooding caused significant damage in over 1000 households across five counties. Here’s an eye-witness account.