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Disaster relief and recovery takes teamwork

Cleaning up a basement flood

STEP SIX: United Methodists belong to a larger disaster response network that serves the mission of Jesus Christ. The United Methodist Committee on Relief is the tie that binds this… Continue Reading Disaster relief and recovery takes teamwork

Disaster relief requires teamwork

Cleaning up a basement flood

United Methodists belong to a larger disaster response network that serves the mission of Jesus Christ here in Michigan and beyond.

Haiti ministry partner grows despite hardship

Girl with rabbit

Haitian Assets for Peace International (HAPI), a Michigan Conference ministry partner, continues to thrive despite the challenges Haiti is facing. Continue Reading Haiti ministry partner grows despite hardship

Ukrainian United Methodists care for fellow countrymen

Pastor comforting woman.

United Methodists in western Ukraine are opening their churches and homes to house evacuees from the war with Russia. Three shelters operated by the denomination care for about 100 displaced… Continue Reading Ukrainian United Methodists care for fellow countrymen

UMCOR relieving Ukrainian suffering

UMCOR Ukraine Support

Working with three other aid organizations, UMCOR is collaborating to send medical supplies to Ukraine.

Board grants HAPI $100,000 for clinic

General Board grant benefits HAPI

A gift to Haitian Assets for Peace International (HAPI) is among the $13 million in grants made by the General Board of Global Ministries during their spring meeting.

UMCOR partners saving lives in Ukraine

Family still safe in Ukraine

This report tells how UMCOR and partners — International Blue Crescent, Hungarian Interchurch Aid, and others — are providing food, shelter, and relief to those suffering in Ukraine.

Disaster response at a new level

Filling buckets for disaster response

Support from the United Methodist Committee on Relief has made the Michigan Conference a leader in long-term disaster recovery in the State of Michigan.

UMs in Europe welcome neighbors

Borders in Europe open to Ukrainian refugees

UMCOR supports United Methodists in Europe as they welcome refugees from Ukraine into their homes and houses of worship.

Eyewitness to UMCOR Sunday’s value

UMCOR assists Detroit clean-up

Cheryl Tipton served as UMCOR case manager and district disaster response coordinator when Detroit suffered flooding over the past six years. UMCOR Sunday lays the foundation for relief and recovery.

The Michigan Conference