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She makes UMCOR real

UMCOR case managers

Flooding has hit greater Detroit three times since 2014. Case managers are the connection between resources provided by UMCOR and those in need.

Disaster Case Manager, Greater Detroit District

I began working as a disaster case manager after the 2014 flood in Detroit, MI. I was working as a case manager in another field when I learned of the initiative to help the flood survivors. I knew nothing about disaster case management before becoming part of the United Methodist Church’s Northwest Flood Recovery Project.  

 My first case was a home with multiple issues and costly repairs. After the assessment, I went to the office and gave my report. To my surprise, the coordinator said, “We will be able to assist this family because we have funding from UMCOR.”

Not knowing about the organization, I asked, “Who and what is UMCOR?” I learned that the United Methodist Committee on Relief provides grants that help people globally. People can recover from the disaster through their financial support. UMCOR helps people reconstruct, restore and recondition their homes and lives. “Globally” can be right where you live.

After completing my work on the flood recovery project, I returned to my previous job. However, I never stopped thinking about UMCOR and its help to people in need. So, when I was asked to assist neighbors hurt by the flooding in 2021, I accepted because I knew UMCOR would be there to give support.  

Thank you, UMCOR! 

~ Note: UMCOR Sunday is March 27, 2022. Contributions to that special offering enable the United Methodist Committee on Relief to continue its life-saving work in places half a world away as well as in Michigan. Detroit, Sanford, Midland, Lowell, and Hancock, MI are just some of the places across the state where UMCOR has supported disaster relief in recent years. Please give generously online or at your local United Methodist Church.

Last Updated on March 20, 2022

The Michigan Conference