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Study celebrates Black clergywomen

Celebrate Black clergywomen, including Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi

The Rev. Dr. Jennifer Jue and Rev. Jonathan Combs will lead an online study of the book “Pioneer Black Clergywomen” on Thursday evenings in May. Here’s how to purchase the book and register.

A study on the book, Pioneer Black Clergywomen, will be held online via Zoom each Thursday at 7:00 pm in the month of May (6, 13, 20, 27). Join us for a time of stories, discussion, and learning with special speakers such as the Rev. Dr. Josephine Whitely-Fields and the Rev. Dr. Tara Sutton.

To register for the book study, contact the Rev. Dr. Jennifer Jue or the Rev. Jonathan Combs to receive the Zoom link.

The book is available for purchase from Cokesbury, Amazon, and other book retailers.

About the book: Josephine Whitely-Fields is the author of the book, Pioneer Black Clergywomen, which shares the stories of nine Black clergywomen across the United Methodist Church. Their stories are inspiring illustrations of the Holy Spirit at work in those who said yes to ordained ministry. Black clergywomen have endured many challenges and injustices in the predominately White male vocation. However, they have also experienced accomplishments and victories, despite the opposition, that were made possible by the intervening power of God through prayer, hard work, perseverance, and the efforts of other people of faith. The United Methodist Church seeks to strengthen its commitment to dismantle racism. However, the question still remains, “How will the specific dismantling of racism, sexism, ageism, classism, and economic discrimination, against Black clergywomen be addressed?”

Stories in the book include: Bishop Linda Lee, the Rev. Dr. Josephine Whitely-Fields, the Rev. Dr. Tara Sutton, Bishop Tracy Malone, the Rev. Cheryl Bell, Bishop Sharma Lewis, the Rev. Edna Morgan, Bishop Cynthia Moore-Koikoi, and the Rev. Ella DeDeaux.

To learn more, read this article previously shared in the MIConnect here

Facilitator bios: the Rev. Dr. Jennifer Jue and the Rev. Jonathan Combs will co-lead the book group. Jue is lead pastor at Jackson: Brookside UMC and Trinity UMC (and supervising pastor at Calvary UMC). She is the Secretary officer for the Michigan Conference UMC’s Committee on Asian American Ministries (COAAM). Combs is the lead pastor at Garden City First UMC and New Day UMC. He is Vice-Chair of Michigan Conference UMC’s Black Methodists for Church Renewal (BMCR) and Vice-Chair of the Black Clergy Caucus. Jue and Combs have personal and professional experiences with cross-racial cross-cultural pastoral appointments in The United Methodist Church.

Last Updated on April 20, 2021

The Michigan Conference