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Pacific Fleet blessed by UMMen

United Methodist Men’s Strength for Service program provides spiritual support for military and first responders.
The United Methodist Men’s Strength for Service Team recently sent 3,300 copies of Strength for Service to God and Country to U.S. Navy Captain Fauntleroy, chaplain of the Pacific Fleet. The books will be distributed by 54 chaplains under his command. Those chaplains serve with 88 ships.

Several UM leaders were in the San Diego area for a national Boy Scouts of America meeting and they had the opportunity to personally greet Chaplain Fauntleroy and other Navy personnel.

Before it went out of print, more than one million copies of Strength for Service to God and Country were distributed during World War II and the Korean War.

Fifty years later, Evan Hunsberger was inspired by his grandfather’s worn copy and republished the book as his Eagle Scout project in 2002.

After publishing more than 460,000 copies, the Strength for Service team has introduced a second volume, Strength for Service to God and Community, a book written for professionals and volunteers who serve as first responders.

Strength for Service to God and Community provides spiritual encouragement and emotional strength for police officers, firefighters, emergency medical technicians and all those who are engaged in the service of others in time of greatest need.

Learn more.




Last Updated on June 7, 2016

The Michigan Conference