United Methodists have been on the scene in the Upper Peninsula since floods struck the Houghton area in mid-June. Now UMCOR’s two new case managers are aiding in the recovery.
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HANCOCK, MI | October 9, 2018 — The Rev. Paul Perez, Associate Director for Mission and Ministry for the Michigan Conference announces the hiring of two UMCOR Disaster Case Managers to serve the Flood Recovery Project–Copper Country.

Marci Vivian and Dennis Leopold have received training and are now preparing to aid residents in the Keweenaw Peninsula affected by the torrential rains overnight June 17, 2018, causing the “Father’s Day Flood.” Assisting with their training along with Perez were Christy Smith, UMCOR staff; Dan O’Malley, Michigan Conference Disaster Coordinator; Katie Vokal and Anne Wortley, Disaster Case Managers for the Flood Recovery Project in Midland.

A grant from the United Methodist Committee on Relief will keep Marci and Dennis at work for the next 12 months. Their office is located in the old D&N Bank building at 400 Quincy Street, Room 402, Hancock, MI 49930. Contact them by phone at 906-231-6856; email dleopold@michiganumc.org and mvivian@michiganumc.org (after October 15).
Perez reports that the Portage Health Foundation “has done a tremendous job over the past four months assisting 460 residents in their recovery.” As the Portage Health foundation efforts draw to a close, the UMCOR Case Managers will pick up where PHF leaves off. “
Marci and Dennis will follow up with about 150 residents who have self-identified as in need of recovery assistance,” Perez says. “They will also conduct outreach to engage additional residents working in partnership with the Keweenaw Foundation and Good Shepherd Evangelical Lutheran Church. The Foundation at Good Shepherd have funds for use in direct assistance.
Last Updated on November 2, 2023