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Time for shouting

After Parkland, this Florida pastor believes it’s time for righteous anger and redemptive action.

Retired pastor, Florida Conference

“To dust you shall return” but not now! Not like this!

I’m wrestling with the juxtaposition of Ash Wednesday with the Parkland school shooting, but this much is clear. When the pastor made the sign of the cross on our foreheads with the words, “Remember that you are dust and to dust you will return” he wasn’t talking about death like this. Not anytime…not anywhere…not for anyone.

I’m convinced that the voice within us which shouts, “No! This is not the way it should be! This is not the way these lives should end! This is not what our children ought to have to face!” is nothing other than the voice of God, shouting in the depths of our souls with “groans too deep for words.” (Romans 8:26)


Last Updated on February 25, 2018

The Michigan Conference