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Thursday NCJ Conference Summary

Thursday NCJ Conference highlights include the election of Rev. Dan Scherwin, the third and final bishop, and conversations on Christian nationalism, racism, and white supremacy.

NCJ to facilitate conversation on White Supremacy

Delegates to the upcoming North Central Jurisdictional Conference are asked to engage resources on White Supremacy prior to conversations at the conference.

Churches urge action on shootings

Mourning for victims of shootings

According to the Gun Violence Archive, the U.S. has seen 202 mass shootings this year so far. United Methodists are responding to killing in New York and California.

One thing they have in common

Affirm our common humanity

What do mass shooters have in common? The Rev. Jack Harnish notes that most are white males targeting racial minorities. He adds, “In the long run, I have to believe… Continue Reading One thing they have in common

Why dedicate a month to Black History?

February is Black History Month

Rev. Jack Harnish asserts, “We need a month dedicated to Black History, because most of our history has been white history, told by white writers, focusing on white characters, and… Continue Reading Why dedicate a month to Black History?

Black United Methodists want changes

Rudy Rasmus and Beyonce

“Each of the ten essayists is saying, ‘See me, hear, me, deal with me.’” That’s what Bishop Gregory Palmer remarks about the new book, “I’m Black. I’m Christian. I’m Methodist.”

Call for justice in Arbery killing

United Methodist speaking out on killing of Ahmoud Arbery

In the aftermath of the killing of Ahmoud Arbery, United Methodists, including the Rev. Dr. B. Kevin Smalls, are speaking out against the deterioration of race relations in the U.S.

Thin words, thick action

The Gospel and Social Principles inform Bishop Bruce R. Ough’s call to oppose evil.

The Michigan Conference