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HAPI and CWS help dreams take flight

Haitian young adults

STEP FOUR: Michigan churches can welcome Haitian young adults looking for refuge and opportunities by sponsoring their resettlement through Church World Service. HAPI, Haitian Assets for Peace, is assisting this process. Continue Reading HAPI and CWS help dreams take flight

Refugee student journeys to Michigan

Bombed out city in Ukraine

Through a string of United Methodist connections, a young refugee finds his way from Ukraine to Michigan’s Adrian College to begin a new life out of the ashes of war… Continue Reading Refugee student journeys to Michigan

Spring kit rally plants ‘mission’ in Michigan hearts

Packing bottles of shampoo

STEP SIX: The Michigan Conference Disaster Response and Recovery Team mobilized a kit rally during April to help replenish supplies for our long-time partner, Midwest Mission Distribution Center in Pawnee,… Continue Reading Spring kit rally plants ‘mission’ in Michigan hearts

Make their dreams take flight

Haitian young adults

Churches can welcome Haitian young adults looking for refuge and opportunities by sponsoring their resettlement through Church World Service’s expanded programming.

Spring rally plants ‘mission’ in hearts

Packing bottles of shampoo

The Michigan Conference is mobilizing a disaster kit rally during April to help replenish supplies for our long-time partner, Midwest Mission.

Connect with Ukrainian United Methodists

Bishop Christian Alsted meets with Ukrainian United Methodists

Learn about current United Methodist mission work in Ukraine on Saturday, September 10, during an online event with Ukrainian church leaders and Bishop Christian Alsted of the Nordic and Baltic… Continue Reading Connect with Ukrainian United Methodists

Ukrainian United Methodists care for fellow countrymen

Pastor comforting woman.

United Methodists in western Ukraine are opening their churches and homes to house evacuees from the war with Russia. Three shelters operated by the denomination care for about 100 displaced… Continue Reading Ukrainian United Methodists care for fellow countrymen

UMCOR relieving Ukrainian suffering

UMCOR Ukraine Support

Working with three other aid organizations, UMCOR is collaborating to send medical supplies to Ukraine.

UMCOR partners saving lives in Ukraine

Family still safe in Ukraine

This report tells how UMCOR and partners — International Blue Crescent, Hungarian Interchurch Aid, and others — are providing food, shelter, and relief to those suffering in Ukraine.

Rejoicing in Connection

Connection at ESUMC

The English Speaking UMC in Prague is a powerful expression of The Connection of The United Methodist Church. A rich mix of languages, nationalities, and cultures come together to glorify… Continue Reading Rejoicing in Connection

The Michigan Conference