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Revitalize your church’s social media

Reading on tablet

Learn how to transform your church’s social media into vibrant channels of communication through this new course from United Methodist Communications. Register by July 27.

Proverbs speak to social media

Proverbs says be kind

Pastor Dillon Burns learned that, according to Proverbs, getting involved in another person’s fight is like yanking the ears of a dog. He encourages all to be wise when engaging… Continue Reading Proverbs speak to social media

Statewide Christmas Eve campaign announced

Christmas manger

Be ready to participate in the Michigan Conference Christmas Eve Social Media campaign by checking your online worship details now.

Organize Student Day Turkey Trot

Turkey Trotter for UM Student Day

Your United Methodist Student Day kit is filled with ideas and resources to help your congregation participate in this annual Special Sunday offering on November 29, 2020.

Engage in 30 Days of anti-racism

Anti-racism leaders, Morgan Stafford

  The General Commission on Religion and Race invites you to engage in 30 days of anti-racism. Share your journey using #30DaysAntiRacism. Encourage others to join you.

Invitation to connect through MI media

Using a phone to connect with people through social media.

Good social media creates community. Paul Reissmann explains how Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter connect God’s people across The Michigan Conference.

Create trust through social media

Share your church’s story by building trustworthy online relationships with members and neighbors.

Taking an electronic sabbath

Is our relationship with technology getting in the way of observing Sabbath rest?

Can Facebook replace church?

It’s time for the church to “put our focus back on what matters most — Jesus and relationships.”

Your website’s secret sauce

Will Rice suggests featuring stories of transformation on your church website.

The Michigan Conference