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Engaging with neighbors in the Upper Peninsula

Volunteers building a ramp

STEP ONE: God’s Country Cooperative Parish has been connecting churches and helping neighbors in the U.P. since 1983. Paying Ministry Shares is an important first step in supporting outreach at… Continue Reading Engaging with neighbors in the Upper Peninsula

Serve disenfranchised communities as a CCW


Desire to work in communities to address deep-rooted issues and shine light on injustice with God’s love? Consider applying to be a Church and Community Worker.

Engaging with neighbors in the U.P.

Volunteers building a ramp

The first of a series of articles that explains how an initiative called “EngageMI” helps churches take steps to be in “ministry with” others.

We are partnering in mission in the U.P.

Randy Hildebrant guides the mission of GCCP

What happens when local churches pay their Ministry Shares in full? Lives are changed through the mission efforts of organizations like God’s Country Cooperative Parish. Ministry Shares multiply God’s blessings.

He’s a missionary in God’s Country

Randy and Aletha Hildebrant at Taquamenon Falls

What appointment could ever be better for any United Methodist than Paradise? Church and Community Worker Randy Hildebrant is serving the Lord in Northern Michigan at God’s Country Cooperative Parish.

The Michigan Conference