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Disaffiliation, budget top AC business

Voting at Annual Conference

Clergy and lay members will vote on various business and legislative matters at the 2023 Michigan Annual Conference, including approving the disaffiliation of 60 churches.

Unknowns complicate GC plan

Can Michigan delegates plan to go to Minneapolis in August?

Availability of vaccines, internet connection, and visas are all some of the unknowns that continue to complicate the plan for the General Conference set to convene eight months from now.

What’s ahead for GC2020 petitions?

Delay of General Conference means next opening will be May 2024

General Conference is now eight months ahead. The deadline for legislation is past and petitions are being translated and prepared for action in May of 2020.

Michigan covers General Conference 2019

Bishops Bard and Bickerton serve Communion during Day of Prayer on Saturday, Feb. 23, 2019

  Our daily email updates and Facebook Live interviews reported GC 2019 through a Michigan lens. Here are your links to that special coverage.

Delegates to vote on Traditional Plan

Two delegtes from Upper New York Conference embrace during Monday's afternoon session.

General Conference delegates spent Monday, February 25, as a legislative committee debating four major plans. The Traditional Plan was the only one to advance for action in Tuesday’s plenary session.

The Michigan Conference