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Michigan women elected UMW leaders

Ruby Anderson among leaders of UMW.

Jurisdictions are voting online to elect leaders to the National United Methodist Women, who will serve for the next four years.

Anybody here seen my old friends

Friends remembered as saints

The Rev. John Harnish couldn’t get this song out of his head as it sparked memories of friends who now belong to the history of Michigan Methodism.

Leaders offer separation plan

Leaders who offer separation plan

On January 3rd, a diverse, 16-member team of church leaders, offered a separation proposal that would preserve The United Methodist Church while allowing traditionalist-minded congregations to form a new denomination.

MIFaith comes to your inbox this Friday

Woman painting

An new email newsletter called MIfaith begins publication this week. Watch for it in your inbox on Friday, April 26th.

Have you registered for Annual Conference?

The Michigan Annual Conference takes place May 30 – June 2, 2019 at Grand Traverse Resort. Go now to 2019.michiganumc.org for all the details.

The Michigan Conference