Tag: Laura Witkowski
Living out our promises

Reading the story of Mary and Elizabeth through a new scriptural lens, Laura Witkowski encourages us to reflect on how we prepare the way for Jesus and fulfill our promises… Continue Reading Living out our promises
Lay members to get oriented for AC

Lay members to Annual Conference are invited to a Zoom orientation on May 4 or 6. First-time participants and those needing a refresher are welcome.
Brown finds her gifts behind the scenes

As the newly elected Secretary for the North Central Jurisdictional Conference, the Michigan Conference’s Diane Brown discovers joy in her administrative role serving the church.
Move your love into action

How can your church be a blessing in your community? How is your church sharing the love of Jesus? Laura Witkowski tells how Lowell UMC had a simple idea and shared it widely. Continue Reading Move your love into action
Michigan UMs aid storytelling at NCJ

Three Michigan United Methodists were instrumental in the planning and presentation of the conversation at North Central Jurisdictional Conference on the impact of homophobia, transphobia, and heterosexism within The United… Continue Reading Michigan UMs aid storytelling at NCJ
AC looks at Vision with new eyes

Bold & Effective Leaders. Vibrant Congregations. Ministry and Mission. These Christ-centered aspects of the Michigan Conference’s vision inspired conference members to embrace their story.
AC endorses Kennetha Bigham-Tsai

The Rev. Kennetha Bigham-Tsai was endorsed for episcopal election by the Michigan Annual Conference on June 3, 2022. The next North Central Jurisdictional Conference will meet on November 2-5, 2022.
Tips for Annual Conference 2022

Annual Conference is coming June 2-4. Laura Witkowski understands that some are excited about annual conference and some are overwhelmed. She offers some tips from 22 years of personal experience.
The Great Commission means us!

Laura Witkowski asks, “It is possible that we have focused more on the making rather than the being” of discipleship? She invites all to a Zoom conversation on the Great… Continue Reading The Great Commission means us!
Watch NCJ Conference live Nov. 10-11

Michigan Conference delegation co-chairs Laura Witkowski and the Rev. Kennetha Bigham-Tsai, comment on the upcoming session of the NCJ Conference, November 10-11, 2021.