Tag: Health
Coronavirus hampers malaria efforts

In 2016 Imagine No Malaria celebrated success in the fight against malaria. Now WHO says interruptions caused by COVID may return mortality levels to those last seen 20 years ago.
What does reopening look like?

Social distancing measures forced churches to transition to online worship and ministry. As states lift shelter-in-place orders, churches must consider how — or when— to return to in-person worship.
Prepare now for first Sunday back

When state health officials deem it safe, restrictions on in-person worship will be lifted. In the meantime, here are guidelines to help prepare for re-opening.
Re-opening strategies being pondered

When will Michigan return to normal operation? That remains uncertain. But the Bishop and leaders of The Michigan Conference are creating strategies to help churches prepare to resume in-person activities.
Confessions of an e-churcher

Accidental e-churcher, the Rev. Glenn Wagner, says, “For the sake of the gospel, we all need to figure out how to do church and community in a new way.”
Take a look into the MI-Health toolbox

The Michigan Conference offers a Toolbox full of information and resources on how individuals and congregations can respond to COVID-19 in healthy ways.
UMCOR in China when outbreak began

On February 4, 2020 UMCOR announced it was providing an emergency grant to the Amity Foundation, their partner in China. The funds would address the spread of coronavirus.
Response from Bishop on COVID-19

The Michigan Conference joins in response to the coronavirus. Bishop Bard supports these personal and local church measures to support health and healing.
Michigan Conference alert on COVID-19

As Michigan’s Governor, Gretchen Whitmer takes precautions to slow the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus), the Michigan Conference provides these action steps to partner with public health efforts.
Water champions gather in Michigan

A Water Justice Summit held in Detroit, January 24-25, 2020, will draw participants from around the world with the goal of uniting to protect God’s gift of clean water.