Tag: Floods
Disaster relief and recovery takes teamwork
STEP SIX: United Methodists belong to a larger disaster response network that serves the mission of Jesus Christ. The United Methodist Committee on Relief is the tie that binds this… Continue Reading Disaster relief and recovery takes teamwork
Disaster relief requires teamwork
United Methodists belong to a larger disaster response network that serves the mission of Jesus Christ here in Michigan and beyond.
Spring disaster response continues
United Methodist conferences and congregations are ramping up their response to the many disasters that occurred around the country this spring. UMCOR is supporting their efforts at clean-up and assistance.
UMCOR mobilizes from Africa to Iowa
As UMCOR Sunday approaches, UMCOR is working on the scene of flooding in mid-America and a cyclone in southern Africa.
Cleaning Buckets needed
Floods have hit hard and hurricane season is now here. UMCOR needs more Cleaning Buckets.